Seventy plus years after his death and becoming an American icon with no equal World War II, General George S. Patton stands out in the American conscious better than any other general. As a combat general he was unequaled, fearless, brave to a fault and keenly aware his destiny was in the hands of the Almighty.
Hundreds of books, motion pictures, documentaries and countless studies have be done about him. Those that knew him, worked for him, read about him and historians who have studied him have all had some sort of love/hate relationship about him or his tactics yet there are few who have an ambivalence of him and most come away in awe of the man.
This web site is dedicated to the preservation of his history and his command, Third Army, through living historians of today who actively have researched every aspect of his of his military life and those of his immediate circle.
Patton Third Army, Living Historians have studied all the Battles
the Third Army fought, under what conditions, the various strategies and equipment that was used. Over years they have acquired proper uniforms, restored the equipment & vehicles allowing them to authentically re-create and re-enact
the period and bring history alive to audiences all over the world.
In his life time he was the most feared and respected combat general on both sides of the war. He won the war on the field of
battle but lost the war in the political field with the High Command of the American Army. His vision of the future leads him on a collision course with command. He was never quite able to convince his superiors that he was not the enemy when it came to getting permission to continue to fight the war as he saw fit.
Historians today now see the war from the advantage of 20/20 hind sight and their are many who believe if he had been allowed to fight as he wanted to the war in Europe would have ended by November of 1944 saving some 10 million lives on both sides, civilian and combatants.
The veterans who fought the war are leaving us at a rate of about 1,500 a day and some two thirds of them are no longer with us. Most are in their 80’s with failing health and within the next twenty five years they will have all gone.
Above all is our willingness to honor them and their fallen comrades. We do this by restoring and preserving what is left and using it to tell their story. You will read about the war, the men who fought it, the museums and the living
historians, collectors and preservationist who have spent countless hours and dollars to preserve their memory.
Over 50 million people lost their lives in World War Two. You must ask yourself why they died and for what reason. When you know the answers to those questions you will know why we honor our Veterans. Freedom is not Free it has a high cost.
As such, he has been a guest lecturer on the life and times of General Patton at hundreds of events and locations, including veteran reunions, military history museums, and lectures in the US as well as abroad.

The experience of watching him perform Patton with the guards, and assistant officers was impressive.
Truly a masterpiece showing the passion for the man, the legend. General Patton

The members and their family so much enjoy his presence.
Given the nature of this holiday, the state of this country today, and his personal situation, there was something very inspiring about his visit today.
He touched us all and so nobly brought the spirit of Gen Patton into the room. Well done Sir! Well done.

Patton Hidden in Plain Sight:The Series
The Story of Patton and his Third Army, Hidden in Print for 75 years
Volume One: The Battle Before the War, Volume 2: The Third Army Goes to War, Volume 3: A Prediction Ignored and a Prayer Volume 4: Secrets Hidden, Volume 5: A Grateful Nation, Volume 6: The Images Uncovered
The books are available, world wide, through Amazon
Purchase Patton Hidden In Plain Sight : The Series
Most, who know me, will tell you how excited I am. The “Patton Hidden in Plain Sight” series of books has been one of the hardest things I have ever done. It was worth doing because we owe so much to the Greatest Generation, the generation of our parents and grandparents.
This is a series called “Patton Hidden in Plain Sight, The Story of Patton and his Third Army, Hidden in Print for 75 years. If you are a General Patton fan, or are just curious about him, these book gets to the truth and separates fact from fiction. This book is endorsed by George Patton Waters, one of the grandsons to General Patton. It is also endorsed by noted author Robert Hayes who helped General Oscar Koch write G2-Intelligence for Patton. The reviews have been good.
“The Images Uncovered”
The is the photo book, a coffee table book that is a result of thousands of hours of research and covers new information about General George S. Patton Jr. Many of the images have been colorized and some have never before been published and Hidden in Plain Sight since WWII. There are images from the rare and top secret Third Army After Action reports and many not seen since they were first printed in 1945. Included are rare personal accounts from General Patton’s staff with insider’s view of Patton’s Third Army Headquarters.
The Series Patton Hidden in Plain Sight
In the series, Patton Hidden in Plain Sight, you can follow General Patton, through the his doubts to his triumphs as he leads the famous United States Third Army across Europe. His entire diary of the period is printed as he wrote it at the time. The research sources are from General Patton’s own collection, the Library of Congress and the Patton Museum at Fort Knox. Thousands of sources were researched to correct the misconceptions and separate the facts from the fiction, and the movie and his career.
These books were meticulously researched for almost ten years This books may not be suited for a young audiences due to Patton’s colorful language and descriptive accounts of the Nazi concentration camps that Third Army liberated.
Denny Hair is one of the world’s foremost experts on General Patton. As such, he’s been a guest lecturer on the life and times of General Patton at hundreds of events, including veteran reunions, military history museums and lectures in the United States, as well as abroad. He was honored to be the guest lecturer for the United States Army to commemorate the 64th Anniversary of General Patton’s death in Heidelberg Germany, the hospital where Patton died.
Patton Hidden in Plain Sight, The Story of Patton and his Third Army, Hidden in Print for 75 years by Denny Hair

Grandchildren of General Patton with Denny Hair on promotion of his book Patton Hidden in Plain Sight Six Volume Set
Left to right: Helen Patton, Denny Hair, author, George Patton Waters
Reviews From Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars
Lucky Forward!
By Tom Diaz on January 18, 2016
A wonderful volume for anyone who has an interest in the Third Army in the Second World War, Gen. George S. Patton, or the soldiers he commanded. This book was of special interest to me (disclosure here) because my father was Patton’s bandmaster and I was able to provide the author, Mr. Denny G. Hair, with some information about the Third Army Band and photographs that he had not been able to find. But, my personal interest aside, this is one of those great illuminating photo texts about “the greatest generation.” Many of the photos in here are worth a thousand words in their own right.
5.0 out of 5 stars
A treasure of meaningful images
1st reviews in from Amazon
By Robert on November 9, 2015
Verified Purchase
Denny Hair has done a remarkable job of putting together a valuable collection of photos of Gen. George S. Patton Jr. and others, along with the varied physical elements (both internal and external) related to his command of the U.S. Third Army and its march across Europe in World War II. The title—“in Plain Sight” notwithstanding—many of these surely were stored away in remote locations where they rarely if ever would have been seen by the general public, or even military historians. To have them all together in the pages of a single book gives anyone interested in Patton himself or the war in general a treasure of meaningful images. Through the photos and just enough descriptive information to put them into context, Hair takes the reader from pre-European invasion days all the way through to the end of the war. He provides through-the-lens views of virtually every aspect of combat as it happened in the Patton command……
5.0 out of 5 stars
A Great Study of Patton
By D.W.DAVIS U.S. Army [retired] on November 2, 2015 Great book / well researched / highly recommended for the military historian
Finally a book that describes the inside story of General …
5.0 out of 5 stars
By Alan T. Jones on November 9, 2015
Finally a book that describes the inside story of General Patton, and his 3rd Army. This book is a must for historians, and anyone interested in reading about General Patton, and 3rd Army.
Will be of great interest for military historians and Patton fans By C. O’Connor on November 5, 2015 Interesting view of General Patton, presenting many not widely known historical events and published photographs. Will be of great interest for military historians and Patton fans.
5.0 out of 5 stars
By LeslieD
Captivating images and wonderful story of Patton’s life.
5.0 out of 5 stars
By Sandra Toney on January 15, 2016
Have you ever seen a photo of one of the world’s greatest generals in a bathing suit? It is in Denny Hair’s book along with hundreds of other photos, maps, stories, and more. If you are a student of history, especially military history, this book is a must. Your eyes are drawn to the next photo along with well-researcheD commentary to go along with it. We’ll done, Mr. Hair!
5.0 out of 5 stars
Collectors and military vehicles will be pleasantly pleased with the variety of artifacts that illustrate the book …
ByJohn Adams-Graf on January 5, 2016
A retired crime scene investigator, author Denny Hair has emerged as an expert on all-things Patton. This book is a result of thousands of hours of research and covers new information about General George S. Patton Jr. Hair has coupled personal, anecdotal accounts about Patton with hundreds of photos of the General, some of which have been colorized, and many never before published.
The book presents images from the rare and top secret Third Army After Action reports and promises to be the first of a series of books covering Patton and his Third Army during WWII.
Patton Hidden in Plain Sight sheds a view onf the General and his world unlike any book. Any Patton enthusiast will obviously treasure this book for the rare photos and staff recollections it shares. Collectors and military vehicles will be pleasantly pleased with the variety of artifacts that illustrate the book as well.—JAG
5.0 out of 5 stars
Will be of great interest for military historians and Patton fans
By C. O’Connoron November 5, 2015
Interesting view of General Patton, presenting many not widely known historical events and published photographs. Will be of great interest for military historians and Patton fans.
5.0 out of 5 stars
By Earl S. Wolcott
This review is from: Patton Hidden in Plain Sight:The Story of Patton and his Third Army, Hidden in Print for 75 years: The Images Uncovered (Paperback)
I’ve been studying GEN George S. Patton, Jr. for better than 50-years and I’ve read two dozen biographies, but I was amazed at the amount of information and facts I’d never seen before contained in this first volume of a projected three-volume series on Patton. I’ve also collected a number of wartime photographs of Patton and seen many more in pictorial volumes on Patton, but this volume truly contains pictures which were “hidden in plain sight”. All in all, a treasure trove of information for anyone interested in Patton. Well done Denny!

In my time before becoming a professional author and historian, I spent 31 years as a Houston Police Officer. I was a field training officer, crime scene investigator and taught at the Houston Police Academy.
Times have changed and crime is far more sophisticated than it used to be. Criminals are far more violent and protecting yourself and your loved ones takes an intelligent approach.
Video surveillance, monitoring and high-end security has become the norm. When I looked for the best, I found Ageint Security. They have a high-definition flawless integration internet surveillance service.
I am often called upon to speak publicly about the life and times of General Patton. I was honored to portray him for the 100th Birthday of Third Army at ARCENT. As this requires a lot of time away from home, I can rest easy knowing I can travel anywhere and still monitor my security at home. The installation was flawless, and the professionalism of the techs were spot on.
If General Patton lived today, I am sure he would seek out the top of the line security system for his family. I think Ageint Security offers what he would have sought after.
I have it and recommend it.
Denny Hair
Publisher author, retired police officer and historian of note.