Recreating History

The Third Army Historical Society invites you to invite our much acclaimed world class lecture and General Patton portrayer and our Third Army Historians to your event.

We offer a multitude of combinations of our famed “History Comes Alive Presentations” to enhance your event.

Imagine having General Patton, the famed WWII General, “Come Alive” before your eyes and treat you to a historical presentation as only Denny Hair can do and has done for over 30 years.

An Evening With General Patton

Very popular among veterans, historical gatherings, museums and veterans organization. General Patton offers hours of history and a question and answers session to suit your needs. Recently featured on  The Texas Country Reporter, General Patton and the Thirds Army Historical Society attended the famed 2nd Armored Division reunion and brought General Patton back to them to some of the very veterans who knew the real General Patton in WWII.


This presentation “An Evening with Patton” has been tailored made for many groups. It is one of the popular event bookings.

The War Room Presentation

This is one of the most popular attractions we provide and really brings in the crowds. Recently some 10,000 visitors were treated to several presentation of the WAR Room at the Midway Village Museum in Rockford Illinois during their annual WWII Days.

General Patton is briefed by G3 Lt.Col Dave Weakley on the battlefront.
General Bradley (Don Nelson) explains the 12th army Group role in the up coming offensive.

This award winning performance has been performed across the country at museums and military installations, reenactments and historical gatherings.

General Patton (Denny Hair) Brig. General Hobart Gay (Michael Maloney) hear General Eisenhower give his assessment of the whole front before them

General Patton’s top secret War Room is duplicated and visitors are treated to a real life war briefing by General Patton, his staff and guests.

Faithful to historical documentation, a Map the European Campaign of WWII and briefings by the 3rd Army’s section chiefs are conducted.

Major Wayne Coulter G-2 and Lt. Col. Dave Weakley

The audience then becomes the Army press corps of WWII and can ask any question they would like to have answered by General Patton or his staff.

Capt. Steve Kehl and Capt. Anahi Hart

General Patton’s Mobile Headquarters

General Patton traveled in a GMC 2 ½ ton truck and this truck has been faithfully reproduced down to the last nut bolt and screw and is popular to visitors when it is presented as part of General Patton Headquarters. You will see his private mobile office, the living quarters and a map he used to plot Third Army’s race across Europe during WWII.

You will see his private mobile office, he lining quarters and a map he used to plot Third Army’s race across Europe during WWII.

General Patton Third Army Headquarters Command Tent

Faithfully reproduced with original WWII desks and radios, the Patton Headquarters Tent is a mini-museum under canvas. It tell the story of what it took to communicate the 3rd Army in the field. Each desk is as if a soldier had just stepped out of the tent and is as ”it was” in WWII.

Faithfully reproduced with original WWII desks and radios, the Patton Headquarters Tent is a mini-museum under canvas.

The Headquarters command Tent tells the story of what it took to communicate the 3rd Army in the field. Each desk is as if a soldier had just stepped out of the tent and is as ”it was” in WWII.

The Headquarters tent has been popular as a museum exhibit at many museums around the country. These include the Museum of the American GI, Midway Village Museum, Fort Oglethorpe; 6th Cavalry Museum, Battleship Texas, Commemorative Air Force (CAF) airshows and numerous events across the country.

General Patton WC 57 Dodge Command Car

This is an original 1944 WC 57 Dodge Command Car is a faithful adaptation of Patton Command Reconnaissance Car.


General Patton is escorted by 503rd MP (Tate Mowrey) Driven by Col. Bill White and seated in the rear Aide de Camp Lt.Col. Charles Codman (Thomas Pachalos)

It is a popular addition to reenactments and museum settings

General Patton visited the front in WWII and loved smoking his cigars and portrayed a command presence in the field.

The Patton Command Car is a favorite with visiting dignitaries, politicians and is used as a presentation vehicle for many events. Mayor Mike Rawlings, Dallas Texas rides with General Patton (Denny Hair) and is being driven by Sgt. Mims (Chuck Toney)

Sgt. Mims (Chuck Toney) General Patton (Denny Hair) and General Eisenhower (Dave Davis)
At the Grand Opening of the Wings Over Dallas (2016) President and CEO Stephen Brown rode in the Patton Command Car.

For more on the Patton command car visit this page on our website : Patton’s Command Cars

General Patton Third Army WWII Mess Kitchen

Sgt. Chuck Toney faithfully recreates the Patton WWII Officer’s Mess Kitchen that was a favorite among the command staff and visiting dignitaries in WWII. Patton’s Third Army Officer’s Mess and his Enlisted men’s mess kitchens were thought to be the best run in the European Theater.

General Patton Armored M-20 Command Car

This is the Award Winning M-20 judge Best of show by the internationally acclaimed Military Vehicles Preservation Association in its 2014 show. Judged “Best of Show” and first place in three categories with an over a 100% score by three sets of judges. This General Patton M-20 Armored Car is a one of a kind, world class military vehicle, respired to perfection as General Patton would have insisted upon. 

For more information on General Patton Award Winning show stopping 1rst place winning M-20 see our web page all about it : Patton’s M-20

General Patton’s Third Army exhibits can be tailor made for your event. Many of our exhibits must be trucked in by 18 wheelers and we offer custom packages which cover cost, fees, honorariums, and expenses.

The ultimate Patton presentation would consist of 12 personal and two 18 wheelers.

The cost of moving this fantastic exhibition would depend on the distance, time of year, and hotel and flight considerations. These are fluid items and costs change from time to time.

Each one of the presentations listed can be modified according to the budget you may have and the presentation you wish to have at you event.

The Third Army Historical Society is a 501c3 organization dedicated to preserving and teaching history. We have traveled nation wide and would invite you to inquire as to your specific needs and requirements. There are many variations that can be custom configured to fit your budget.

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How to book the Third Army Historical Exhibitions