Recreating History

26th Infantry Division

World War II

Activated: 10 October 1941 in Hawaii.

Campaigns: Guadalcanal, Luzon.

Distinguished Unit Citations: 6.

Awards: MH-6 ; DSC-72 ; DSM-3 ; SS-622; LM-100; DFC-1 ; SM-40 ; BSM-1,394 ; AM-147.


Maj. Gen. Maxwell Murray (October 1941-May 1942)
Maj. Gen. J. Lawton Collins (May 1942-January 1944)
Maj. Gen. Charles L. Mullins, Jr. (January 1944-15 May 1948)
Maj. Gen. William B. Bean (25 August 1948- ).

Combat Chronicle

After the Japanese machine-gunned Schofield Barracks, 7 December 1941, the 25th Infantry Division moved to beach positions for the defense of Honolulu and Ewa Plains. Following intensive training, the 25th began moving to Guadalcanal, 25 November 1942, to relieve Marines near Henderson Field. First elements landed near the Tenaru River, 17 December 1942, and entered combat, 10 January 1943, participating in the seizure of Kokumbona and the reduction of the Mount Austen Pocket in some of the bitterest fighting of the Pacific campaign. The threat of large enemy attacks caused a temporary withdrawal, but Division elements under XIV Corps control relieved the 147th Infantry and took over the advance on Cape Esperance. The junction of these elements with Americal Division forces near the cape, 5 February 1943, ended organized enemy resistance. A period of garrison duty followed, ending 21 July: On that date, advance elements debarked on Munda, New Georgia. The 35th Infantry, under the Northern Landing Force, took part in the capture of Vella Lavella, 15 August to 15 September 1943. Meanwhile, other elements landed on New Georgia, took Zieta, marched through jungle mud for 19 days, and captured Bairoko Harbor, winning the island. Elements cleared Arundel Island, 24 September 1943, and Kolombangara Island with its important Vila Airport, 6 October. Organized resistance on New Georgia ended, 25 August, and the Division moved to New Zealand for rest and training, last elements arriving on 5 December. The 25th was transferred to New Caledonia, 3 February-14 March 1944, for continued training. The Division landed in the San Fabian area of Luzon, 11 January 1945, to enter the struggle for the liberation of the Philippines. It drove across the Luzon Central Plain, meeting the enemy at Binalonan, 17 January. Moving through the rice paddies, the 25th occupied Umingan, Lupao, and San Jose and destroyed a great part of the Japanese armor on Luzon. On 21 February, the Division began operations in the Caraballo Mountains. It fought its way along Highway No. 5, taking Digdig, Putlan, and Kapintalan against fierce enemy counterattacks and took Balete Pass, 13 May, and opened the gateway to the Cagayan Valley, 27 May, with the capture of Santa Fe. Until 30 June, when the Division was relieved, it carried out mopping-up activities. On 1 July, the Division moved to Tarlac for training, leaving for Japan, 20 September.


Nicknames: Tropic Lightning; sometimes called the Pineapple Division. Shoulder patch: In form of taro leaf in red, on which is superimposed a flash of lightning in gold. Association: Brig. Gen. Everett E. Brown, 25th Infantry Division, APO 25, c/o PM, San Francisco, Calif. Publication: 25th Division and World War II; by Capt. Robert F. Karolevitz, unit historian; Army & Navy Publishing Co., Baton Rouge 1, La.; 1947.

26th US Infantry Division "Yankee"

Divisional troops



101st Infantry Regiment 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
104th Infantry Regiment 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
328th Infantry Regiment 00.00.0000-00.00.0000

Other troops

26th Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized) 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
26th Quartermaster Company 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
101st Engineer Combat Battalion 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
114th Medical Battalion 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
39th Signal Company 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
726th Ordnance Light Maintenance Company 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
Band 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
Headquarters Company 00.00.0000-00.00.0000
Military Police Platoon 00.00.0000-00.00.0000

2nd Cavalry Group 12.10.1944-22.11.1944

51st Armored Infantry Battalion, 4th Armored Division 19.11.1944-29.11.1944
5th Ranger Infantry Battalion 29.01.1945-09.02.1945
359th CT, 90th Infantry Division 06.04.1945-10.04.1945


328th Infantry Regiment 80th Infantry Division 02.10.1944-15.10.1944
26th Recon Troop 2nd Cavalry Group 07.10.1944-12.10.1944
1st Battalion, 328th Infantry Regiment 4th Armored Division 06.12.1944-08.12.1944
3rd Battalion, 101st Infantry Regiment 94th Infantry Division 23.02.1945-24.02.1945
2nd Battalion, 101st Infantry Regiment 5th Infantry Division 23.03.1945-24.03.1945
104th Infantry Regiment 4th Armored Division 24.03.1945-26.03.1945
328th Infantry Regiment 4th Armored Division 26.03.1945-28.03.1945
328th CT 11th Armored Division 03.05.1945-06.05.1945


Sources & links: US Army Center of Military History