Recreating History

6th Cavalry Museum 2011

2nd Annual Remembering our Heroes

3rd Army After Action Report Fort Oglethorpe GA

We had a great time and all of you should be commended for a job superbly done. We had a great national showing. We came from 6 states and most of us covered 2000- miles going and coming and it was well worth the effort. We love this event. Nowhere are there nicer people and nowhere are we treated nicer. Sometimes getting to an event can be hard! The Texas contingent got off to a rocky start. We traveled in two vehicles pulling two trailers. We had to stop, unload and reload to shift weight. It did not work. We turned around came back the starting area and changed trucks. Thank you T.Sgt. Steve Hickman, Hockley, Tx. and we could not have made it without his truck and great spirit of fun. All of the stopping and starting lost us 4 hours. We got almost to Louisiana and blew a tire with no spare. The rented trailer had failed to put the spare tire with it. Lost two more hours. Stopped at 1030 pm at a Hotel which shall remain nameless. One of our guys had his credit card number stolen and used from this stop. His wife caught it and the card was cancelled before damage was done. You would think all of this would put us in a bad mood. Not all, we were going to the most cordial and friendly places we have ever visited… Fort Oglethorpe and the 6th Cavalry Museum!

Band Barracks

We then proceeded to Band Barracks House. We were all told to take cots. We expected a military barracks. What we got was one of the nicest 24 room Victorian Mansions you would ever want to see. Here Link to info on the “Band Barracks.

The “War Room” Lucky Forward" Patton's Field Headquarters

The 3rd Army Living Historian Exhibit we sat up in the tent was one of the finest exhibitions you can find anywhere in the world. This was truly a world class exhibition and dwarfs what is found in museums all over the world. For many weeks earlier MSgt. Maloney, Austin, Tx., Cpl Dan Vreeland, Austin,Tx, TSgt Bill White, Hockley, Tx, Col. Carlos Manning, Sheridan Tx., and Denny Hair, Hockley, Tx., have been working on all the little details that make it look like it was used by the real troops of Third army and that they had just walked off. Lt. Ann Rick took a video of it. It will be used to make a video presentation of what we do and placed on You Tube. It will then be embedded in our web site. So look for it late in 2011.

Teaching History Friday Morning

We had a great breakfast, assembled and then went to the Fort Oglethorpe 6th Cavalry Museum parade grounds exhibits for the school children presentation. Prior to the arrival of the different schools, Our Chief of Staff’s inspection of the exhibits, command car and personnel. If you were not there you missed a real treat. His inspection was of the highest tradition of the military and he missed nothing. If you can pass his inspection you can pass the real General Patton’s inspection. I am pleased to announce that Col. Manning has given his approval to the inspection.

The Children and Living History

We believe there is no better way to teach history that to tell the story in the first person. That is most of the reason we portray heroes in history. The children loved the exhibit. General Ken Rose, La Porte, TX, Col. Stewart, TSgt Vreeland proceeded to explain all the gear to the children. General Patton gave a brief history of WWII and found the kids really knew their stuff. One of the highlights of the children’s visit was when M.Sgt Maloney opened a box of rations and ate it with the kids. They all wanted to know what was in it and what it tasted like. “Sgt. Mike” had put together a fully functional reproduction set of rations and explained to what was in it. His presentation was both a highlight to the kids and to him personally. The children were ready to learn and had done a lot of pre-study before they got there. They knew quit a bit about World War II for their age. This reflects on the quality of the schools they attended and to their teaches attention to details. From our exhibition the children walked over to the German side of the exhibits saw the gear and uniforms of the German army.

That evening we BBQ’d hot dogs at the mansion, took showers, watched TV and the rest of our 3rd Army Living Historians arrived. The Executive director of the 6th Cavalry Museum, Chris McKeever, came and picked Denny as General Patton up and went to the local TV channel and had a one hour interview about the Museum, it’s future plans and Patton’s Third Army Living Historians. It was a great interview.

Remembering Our Heroes Parade

Saturday at Fort Oglethorpe

Orders were given that Reveille was at 0700, Breakfast at 0800 and on the field at 0900 am. There is always reasons for these orders and at 08:30 hrs. There was an address by the General explaining why these orders were given. The Agenda for the day then was mapped out. General Patton’s command car, an exact duplicate of the original, was transported from Texas and we were asked to be ready to participate in the Parade at 10:00 hrs. The assignment was given to and accomplished by MSgt Maloney, Col. Marino, Chaplain Col Stewart and General Patton.

Color Guard Detail 503rd MP Battalion Third Army

Capt. Jones, Battalion Commander of the 503rd MP Battalion, Patton Third Army HQ detachment, was asked by the General to assembly a color guard the evening before and they had drill. Capt. Jones was now ordered to “make that happen.” We were given the honor to act as the color guard to raise “The Colors” and our MP detachment did an excellent job. When the flags was seen to raise above the museum there was a grand applause.We had a large MP Detachment for this event. There were Capt. Alan Jones Burlington WI , Sgt. Kalab Beavers Olney,IL., TSgt Bill White Hockley,Tx., T Sgt. Brian Hart Clarksville Tn., Cpl Brian Quillen Olney, IL. PFC Levy Weakley Shelbyville, IN.,and PFC Kevin Johnston Vine Grove, KY. Captain Will Bickers, Channelview, Tx., did a great job as Patton’s personal security.

The days events then began in earnest General Patton addressed the crowd and Exec. Director Chris McKeever told of the days events. The event was well attended including the Mayor and Country Commissioners. These are great people and fun to be around.

General Patton gave an introduction and Chaplain Kenneth Stewart,Tomball, Tx., playing the part of Chaplain James O’Neal, gave a prayer to bless the event. The famous Patton speech was given and General Patton set the tone of what the visitors were about to witness on the parade ground. Assembled before them were both axis and allied troops.

WWII Battle

This year they invited the Tiger Tank and crew that was used in the movies of Saving Private Ryan and Band of Brothers. The Germans were better attended this year and the battlefield was much better than last. Each year it gets better and better.

Quite a bit of time and effort was used to prepare as authentic look battlefield as could be done on the parade ground.

Exhibits lined the field

There were two battles and both were well received. It was quit hot but the re enactors put on a fantastic show and it was well received. Col. Codman; Aide de Camp to General Patton is portrayed by Col. Ray Marino, Indianapolis, In. He did an excellent job in his introduction. He took care of many details for all of us. In addition he cooked break twice for every one. Not only is he a highly efficient aide and deputy chief of staff but a great cook as well. Chaplain Stewart did a superb job as portraying Chaplain James O’Neal and his prayer was well received. He has taken to his Chaplain job and studied the part. His uniform is immaculate and he knows the history of Chaplain O’Neal. Job Well Done!
General Patton gave and explained the famous speech and then narrated the battle. There was an M36 tank destroyer on the field to battle the Tiger. At one point it resembled duel between to gun fighters in the old west.
 Just about everyone went through our 3rd Army Exhibition and it was very well received. Lt. Karrie Hubnick, Tomball, Tx., joined Lt. Ann Rick, IL., and continued to take high quality photographs.

Third Army MP Detachment 503rd Battalion.

Our MP detachment is one of the most professional looking and acting (on the field) anywhere in the reenacting and living history world you will ever find. They are EXCELLENT! Many compliments were received concerning them. They were excellent in crowd control and made sure the crowd was not too close to the battlefield. They did real MP duty. Now off the field, these guys are a lot of fun. Don’t mess with them on or off the field. They really do portray a MP’s !!! Messing with them will be hazardous to your health and your sense of humor. Once they get going, you won’t be able to stop laughing. Your sides will hurt.

Saturday evening

After the day’s event, Third Army retired to the beautiful and fully restored “Band Barracks” which is really a restored 24 room mansion. We had to get ready for the USO show, Big Band Dance and prepare for the next mornings departure. We had to take down in a hurry. There was a tropical storm coming in and we wanted to leave early Sunday morning. We had the tent down in two hours and packed. After that we all went back to the mansion and I mean mansion and took showers. We were sweating from head to foot. But what great facilities we had. You could take a traditional shower or relax in a claw foot Victorian tub. It was even heard there was bubble bath available but that is un-confirmed or at least not admitted to. We mention this on our web site for a couple of reasons. First we are highly grateful to be able to stay in such a great place and second, we want you to visit this wonderful place they call Fort Oglethorpe. The home is available for rent to large groups and is well worth the money.

The USO Dance

Since we all love to tease and have a good time, The General was able to accompany our two beautiful female photographers along with M.Sgts. Maloney and Col. Ray Marino to the dance. We were asked to attend and did so. Earlier, General Patton had told the entire crowd that we had a beautiful single young 3rd Army lady that needed to be danced with. He said her name was Lt. Ann Rick and they needed to look for her at the dance. He said he thought she was the most beautiful “single” girl in Third Army. The General did not want the single men to be disappointed so he accompanied her as a chaperon. However, The General now learned that not only is she pretty she is quite brave. She suggested to the General that he had best not do that again if I knew what was good for him. The General, not used to having such a fireball in a young lady, looked her straight in the eye and said he my most scary and authorities voice “Yes Ma’am” but my impression of Donald Duck came out of my mouth. She laughed so hard she had tears in her eyes as she elbowed the General the ribs. Don’t mess with this lady, just ask the General! (grin) Lt. Karie Hubnick accompanied her and they got some great photographs of the band and those that attended the USO show. Our arrival was in keeping with the General Patton style of arrival. M.Sgt. Maloney came in with the siren blaring and stopped in the middle of the dance floor (public street) with the command car while the band was playing. Now THAT was an entrance! The dance floor was the street in front of the bleachers and gazebo. The band leader said he had never had an entrance made by a four star general or anybody like that. He said he would not soon forget it. Our 503rd MP’s was there, though off duty.

The band was fantastic. They were the Chattanooga Big Band Sweet Georgia Sound. One of the singers dedicated a big band tune to the General. Something Special a very touching moment. Last year there was a 90 year old widow who introduced herself to the General and before she left she insisted on a kiss from the General. This year she meet him again at the top of the Gazebo. She got her kiss and then made the General dance with her. General Patton (Denny) does not dance and has not even tried to for many many years. However, he was honored to do so more than she will ever know. You see, her husband served with Patton and for an instant, she was with her soldier husband at the dance. The General had to turn away or she would have seen the tears in his eyes. She went back to the war and danced with her loved one once again. We all come away from these events with special memories. This one, was special to the General. For some reason Lt. Ann Rick said she was going back to Chicago and look for the General, a talking frog. This will be a mystery to those who are reading this, and mystery it will remain. Our Col. Carlos Manning is amazing. Don’t ask him to find something unless you mean it. He came up with a mint 1938 typewriter and two WWII fire extinguishers for the displays. Col. Carlos Manning portrays the part of Col Oscar Kotch, G2, Chief of Intelligence and our is our Living Historians; Chief of Staff.

Third Army After Action Report Fort parting remarks

Third Army was very appreciative of being provided a real mansion to stay in. Before we left they all pitched in and left it the way we found it. There were washing machines in the basement fully equipped with soap. All the towels were washed and all the dishes washed and put away. There is just no way to adequately describe the wonderful people who put this event on. The Staff and Board of Directors of the 6th Cavalry Museum are of the highest quality. The elected officers, the Mayor and other officials we met were top notch and turned out to support the event and Remembering Our Heroes! The local news media made sure the event was well covered. The town’s people were warm and friendly. Many of us in the Third Army Living Historians have been doing what we do in some form or another for near 30 years. Not in all of that time have we experienced such a warm and loving place as Fort Oglethorpe and the 6th Cavalry Museum.

Then we left this loving place full of ice people and started home. We got about 60 miles on home on Highway 59 south in Texas and BOOM! were pulling the command car on back of our trailer and it not only blew a time, the whole tire rim and wheel came off. When it did, the second tire directly behind it blew. All of that at once while we going 70 mph. We pulled over and saw we were in danger of being hit. We called the local police on that Sunday night. We were a long was from any big towns after 10 pm on a Sunday night. We were looked after help and not only the the local police show up, so to did a fire truck and a wrecker service. Before long, we had the command car safely loaded on a wrecker and it was being towed by to our Texas headquarters.

The Lord was with and had been from the start. We arrived home safe.

Remembering Our Heroes War Room and Exhibit in detail with lots of photographs page 2 Click here.