Army Air Forces Field Manuals:
FM 1-195
Service Center 1942
(See also: Command and Employment of Air Power FM 100-20
Cavalry Field Manuals:
Chemical Warfare Field Manuals:
FM 3-5
Tactics of Chemical Warfare
FM 3-10
Examination for Gunners
FM 3-15
Supply and Field Service
FM 3-25
Chemical Laboratory Company
FM 3-30
Chemical Processing Company (Theater of Operations)
FM 3-50
Large Area Smoke Screening
FM 3-65
Chemical Depot Company
FM 3-70
Chemical Decontamination Company
Coast Artillery Field Manuals:

FM 4-40
Service of the Piece–12-Inch Mortar, Railway Artillery

FM 4-48
Service of the Piece–8-Inch Gun, Mk, VI, Modification 3A2 on Barbette Carriage M1

FM 4-51
Seacoast Artillery: Operation and Care of Railway Artillery Equipment

FM 4-97
Service of the Radio Set SCR-682-A

FM 4-100
Antiaircraft Artillery: Organization and Tactics

FM 4-104
Antiaircraft Artillery: Employment of Antiaircraft Guns

FM 4-106
Antiaircraft Artillery: Employment of Antiaircraft Searchlights and the AAAIS

FM 4-142
Service of Height Finders M1 and M2

FM 4-143
Service of Height Finder SCR-547

FM 4-144
Antiaircraft Artillery: Service of Radio Set SCR-584

FM 4-146
Antiaircraft Artillery: Service of Radio Set SCR-545

FM 4-175
Antiaircraft Artillery: Service of the Searchlight

FM 4-176
Service of Radio Set SCR-268

FM 4-181
Employment of Barrage Balloons

FM 4-182
Barrage Balloon Technique

FM 4-187
Antiaircraft Artillery: Barrage Balloon, Service of the Balloon and Balloon Equipment, Low Altitude

FM 4-192
Antiaircraft Artillery: Barrage Balloon, Service of Cable Armament, Very Low Altitude
Engineer Field Manuals:

FM 5-20E
Camouflage of Aircraft On the Ground and Airdromes

FM 5-20F
Camouflage of Antiaircraft Artillery

FM 5-20H
Camouflage Materials and Manufacturing Techniques

FM 5-25
Explosives and Demolitions
Field Artillery Field Manuals:

FM 6-85
Service of the Piece–155-mm Gun, M1918

FM 6-86
Service of the Piece–155-mm Gun, Self-propelled

FM 6-90
Service of the Piece–155-mm Gun, M1

FM 6-91
8-Inch Howitzer

FM 6-95
Service of the Piece–240-mm Howitzer, M1918

FM 6-100
Tactics and Technique of Division Artillery and Higher Artillery Echelons

FM 6-101
Tactics and Technique, Battalion and Battery, Motorized

FM 6-105
Armored Division, Artillery

FM 6-110
Pack Artillery

FM 6-120
The Observation Battalion

FM 6-125
Examination of Gunners

FM 6-135
Forward Observation
Infantry Field Manuals:
Medical Field Manuals:
Ordnance Field Manuals:
Quartermaster Field Manuals:
Signal Corps Field Manuals:

FM 11-5
Mission, Functions and Signal Communication in General

FM 11-10
Infantry Division Signal Organization & Operations

FM 11-14
Signal Supply and Maintenance Battalion

FM 11-15
Organizations and Operations in the Cavalry Division and Cavalry Corps
Inspector General Field Manuals:
FM 13-
Fiscal Field Manuals:
FM 14-
Judge Advocate General Field Manuals:
FM 15-
Chaplain Field Manuals:
Armored Field Manuals:
Tank Destroyer Field Manuals:

FM 18-16
Crew Drill, 76-mm Gun Motor Carriage M18
Military Police Field Manuals:
Miscellaneous Field Manuals:
Individual Soldier Field Manuals:

FM 21-105
Engineer Soldier’s Handbook

FM 21-150
Unarmed Defense for the American Soldier
Infantry Drill Regulations Field Manuals:
Basic Weapons Field Manuals: